


Lost Book of Magick Santa

Dance Ink Love

Moon Dance in Mid-Autumn

Dragon, the Flow of Fire and Water, Series A

Stolen Moments 9 to 5

Apple, Snakes, Men. After Titian, c.1550

Rugby Socks

Stripes and Sneakers, after Canova

Testosterone and Tactics

After Tom of Finland

Divine Circuit

Construction - style of gdmjley

Kiss. Like Flower, Like Water. Part 2

God of Flowers

Mario and Luigi

Colosseum Epic Saga

Hero Series

Men Variations. After Laocoon and His Sons

Police Series

Obsession Series


Infographic Series

Custom LoRA

Prelude to Sacred Geometry
The Lost Book of Magick Santa
1 Verily I say unto thee, look thou beyond the merchants’ wares, for therein dwelleth a most holy mystery.
2 For Santa, who art divine in nature, resideth in the kingdom of sacred wisdom, bearing forth the flame of love unto all the men of Earth.
3 Through the watches of the night doth he journey, weaving betwixt the stars as a shepherd tendeth his flock.
4 His discernment between the righteous and the wayward cometh not from judgment, but from divine understanding.
5 And the people do leave offerings before their hearths, as did the ancients at their altars.
6 For as it was written of Nicholas the Blessed, so too doth this truth endure: that divine love may take earthly form.
7 Let all who have eyes to see understand this mystery: that within each soul dwelleth the power to manifest love divine. Selah.