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gyaban's avatar

Distant Lovers



All the photos and processing by me. This image was created for a 48h speed challenge.

I love my wife. I wish we could spend more time together. It is not that simple: our respective jobs tend to keep us busy at very different times. For example, I often have to work in the evening to finish things, and she has to work several nights per week, as well as almost every Saturday, and even some Sundays. As a result, it is relatively rare that we actually are together when others are celebrating something. This situation obviously inspired me the concept of my image.

Since this was done for a speed challenge, I did not have many options to create my entry. First, a very quick shooting session occurred on day #1: I took a few photos of my wife, with a few variations regarding lighting and posture. During the night, I managed to get a photo of the moon. Then, on day #2, I photographed various clouds during the afternoon. When the evening arrived, I was alone at home, and spent it entirely working on that little project: last photos (balloon, envelope, peaks, myself), and about 8 hours of processing, to finish just in time.
Image size
7707x5138px 15.36 MB
© 2013 - 2024 gyaban
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rtnewt's avatar
This is a fantastic image!  Is it possible that I could use it to create a 'video' for my song 'One of Those Foolish Things' that I could post on  YouTube and Facebook?