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Civic Religion



The United States often functions religiously, a worship and veneration of the state itself. In this worship, Presidents are akin to Popes, dead ones are often canonized as Saints, and the spin to venerate and almost deify these political figures is ever-present. Often times, things are seen as holy: the Constitution is sacred scripture, the Founding Fathers akin to Disciples, and party officials acting like Bishops and Priests of the Church of Americanism.

This piece conflates and merges the notion of state and religion in a form of visual metaphor. This is intended as a satirical mockery of the practice as well, not an endorsement of it.

Made using Inkscape v0.92.3.
Image size
3200x2400px 1.67 MB
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creativenickoridk's avatar

Hang on guys a bronnie is gonna talk how religion is LE BAD! If you have your knowledge of Christianity form left-leaning memes then shut the fuck up.