Dragon Generator, 1Gwenio1 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gwenio1/art/Dragon-Generator-1-101950904Gwenio1

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Gwenio1's avatar

Dragon Generator, 1



I have been working on a program to put images of dragon parts together for someone, and here is a sample.

The program can save the setting, load setting, save the image, change the text (here it is "Test Dragon 1"), the font, the font and background colors, and choose between diffrent sets of images to use.

There are still some images left to add, but that is done in an external text file, the program is ready.

Edit: It is done. You can get the download at [link]
Image size
356x325px 13.13 KB
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Ignitus1992's avatar
Say, I like how this came out - totally cool. I should try out your dragon generator soon.