The world was shaped by four deities known as the Elemental Powers, who are the embodiments of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Once their work was finished, they brought forth life. To look after their work, they created the Giants, and each Power fashioned a breed to their own liking. As life flourished, two other Deities came, and they embodied Life and Death. The newcomers and the Powers were able to coexist, for the new gods were focused on their own domain. As time went on, the excessive power used to shape the Giants caused more sentient life to emerge, and so the nine races of "small folk", as the giants called them, came to be. As ti...
Chapter 4 - Program FlowWhen you make a program it starts and int main() and goes to the end.
Last chapter you learned how to go off and start another function...
which it will go though and then when it ends it goes back to where
it left off.Now it is time to learn to make programs that are not so linear.
Because there is so much to cover, I will only give an example of
each, not a whole program.First is the "if" statement.Example 1 - if and if ... else
if (y == 0) {
if (x == 1) { //17
//do stuff here
} else if (x > 1 & z > 0) { //line 19
//do other stuff here
} else { //21
//do something creative...
C++ is an object oriented programming language, and is the most popular for professional use.
In these lessons I will cover the infomation you need to get started in programming. They will
not cover everything, but they will give you a head start should you decide to continue on in
your studies of programming. Most quality programming languages are the same, so even if you
should go into another you will still be ahead.To create programs from your code, you will need a C++ Compiler. A good free compiler (the one
I use, by the way) can be downloaded from:
Chapter 3 - Functions and OperatorYou know the data types, now you get to use them. Till now you have been
faced with boredom, now in this chapter you will get to the interesting
stuff and get an info overload (Scroll down to the program, and be afraid).This will be your first useful program. It is a modified version of one
I made to keep track of how much money I had and how much I got and how
much is spent.Account Program
#ifndef ACCOUNT_H
#define ACCOUNT_H
char name[20];
static union {//Unions cause multiple variables the same share memory on the RAM.
//While global, unions must be proceeded with a "static" keyword...
Chapter 2 - Data TypesYou can now get input to make your programs reuseable and give
output to show the results. The next most important thing is
to be able to use the input, but before you get to that you
need to learn about the data types.All types of data have a number of bytes of memory assigned
to them. This memory comes from the RAM, and you only have
so much to work with. Many default data types have a signed
and unsigned version, the differences being the unsigned cannot
be negative. To make a signed value you put the "unsigned"
key word infront of the declaration.Data Types: | | char 1 | -128 to 127 | 0 to 255
A one byte ANCII c...
Chapter 1 - StreamsFor a program to be worth anything to anyone it must be able to give output,
and to be reuseable they must be able to recieve input. This is where streams
come in. They are the basic method of giving output and recieving input.The default streams in C++ are:cout - The default stream for buffered output.
cin - The default stream for input.
cerr - A default stream for unbuffer output that goes to the standard error
device (the screen).
clog - A default stream for buffer output that goes to the standard error
device.The basic types of streams are:istream: Console input streams.
ostream: Console output streams.
The world was shaped by four deities known as the Elemental Powers, who are the embodiments of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Once their work was finished, they brought forth life. To look after their work, they created the Giants, and each Power fashioned a breed to their own liking. As life flourished, two other Deities came, and they embodied Life and Death. The newcomers and the Powers were able to coexist, for the new gods were focused on their own domain. As time went on, the excessive power used to shape the Giants caused more sentient life to emerge, and so the nine races of "small folk", as the giants called them, came to be. As ti...
Chapter 4 - Program FlowWhen you make a program it starts and int main() and goes to the end.
Last chapter you learned how to go off and start another function...
which it will go though and then when it ends it goes back to where
it left off.Now it is time to learn to make programs that are not so linear.
Because there is so much to cover, I will only give an example of
each, not a whole program.First is the "if" statement.Example 1 - if and if ... else
if (y == 0) {
if (x == 1) { //17
//do stuff here
} else if (x > 1 & z > 0) { //line 19
//do other stuff here
} else { //21
//do something creative...
C++ is an object oriented programming language, and is the most popular for professional use.
In these lessons I will cover the infomation you need to get started in programming. They will
not cover everything, but they will give you a head start should you decide to continue on in
your studies of programming. Most quality programming languages are the same, so even if you
should go into another you will still be ahead.To create programs from your code, you will need a C++ Compiler. A good free compiler (the one
I use, by the way) can be downloaded from:
Chapter 3 - Functions and OperatorYou know the data types, now you get to use them. Till now you have been
faced with boredom, now in this chapter you will get to the interesting
stuff and get an info overload (Scroll down to the program, and be afraid).This will be your first useful program. It is a modified version of one
I made to keep track of how much money I had and how much I got and how
much is spent.Account Program
#ifndef ACCOUNT_H
#define ACCOUNT_H
char name[20];
static union {//Unions cause multiple variables the same share memory on the RAM.
//While global, unions must be proceeded with a "static" keyword...
Chapter 2 - Data TypesYou can now get input to make your programs reuseable and give
output to show the results. The next most important thing is
to be able to use the input, but before you get to that you
need to learn about the data types.All types of data have a number of bytes of memory assigned
to them. This memory comes from the RAM, and you only have
so much to work with. Many default data types have a signed
and unsigned version, the differences being the unsigned cannot
be negative. To make a signed value you put the "unsigned"
key word infront of the declaration.Data Types: | | char 1 | -128 to 127 | 0 to 255
A one byte ANCII c...
Chapter 1 - StreamsFor a program to be worth anything to anyone it must be able to give output,
and to be reuseable they must be able to recieve input. This is where streams
come in. They are the basic method of giving output and recieving input.The default streams in C++ are:cout - The default stream for buffered output.
cin - The default stream for input.
cerr - A default stream for unbuffer output that goes to the standard error
device (the screen).
clog - A default stream for buffer output that goes to the standard error
device.The basic types of streams are:istream: Console input streams.
ostream: Console output streams.
The Gamers' Bill of Rights was created by the CEO of Stardock Entertainment, and outlines a standard for how game developers and producers should treat the condumers of their products. If you have not read it, you really should.URL: of these Clubs:
.:FIRE:.[ ] You have a short temper.
[ ] You often act on your emotions without thinking first.
[x] You are very competitive.
[x] You like to play with fire.
[x] You are not a strong swimmer or you can't swim at all.
[x] You prefer warm weather over cold weather.
[ ] You often lose control over yourself.
[x] You can be quite reckless.
[x] You sometimes hurt people without realizing it.
[ ] People have often called you insane.
Total: 6.:WATER:.[x] You have a calm, laid-back personality.
[ ] You like to go to the beach.
[x] You rarely get angry.
[x] When you do get angry, you know how to control it.
[x] You think before you act. (more like O...
I am working on a Spyro fan game, those who would like to read more about it or better yet help, especially with art and music, you can go to one of the the following three links:My forum:
Sierra Forum:
DarkSpyro Forum: if you would like to help with the story you could contact :iconignitus1992:Edit: I have added some screenshots of my work on the program and some of the debugging process.Clubs: