Classy V.2Gurato on DeviantArt

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Gurato's avatar

Classy V.2



This is the second version of my Classy folder icons, this time I have softened the design and it's even classier, redesigned folder shape and some of the glyphs.

This pack contains:

-2 color scheme: Ocean Blue and Aluminum Grey
-29 different icons (the most used)
-6 different sizes (16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 128x128, 256x256 and 512x512)
-3 differenf filetypes (PNG :camera:, ICO :windows: and ICNS :macos:)
- The icontainer file can be found HERE, thanks to :icongor0n:

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Lumios-deviantart's avatar
Man, I hope you are still around because it could be cool if we had the same set of folder's icons on Windows.