Favourite Visual Artist
Lauren Faust
Favourite Movies
Avatar, The Goonies, A Knights Tale, Braveheart, Ironclad, Thor, Apocalypto, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxie, Montey Python and the Holy Grail, Studio Ghibli
Favourite TV Shows
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, Naruto, Bleach, Mythbusters, Dual Survival, Dirty Jobs, River Monsters, Kenichi: The Mightiest Desciple, Girls Bravo, Overhaulin, Curiosity
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Amon Amarth, Belphegor, Ozzy, Noctem, SkrilleX, Alex S, Prony Boy, F3nning, Omni Pony, Super Ponybeat, KeepOnRockin
Favourite Books
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Red Wall Series
Favourite Games
APB, Armored Core Series, The Legend of Zelda, Valyrie Profile, Pokemon, Dragon Quest Series, Aion, Age of Empires, Knights and Merchants, Warcraft 1-2-3, Starcraft, Elder Scrolls Series, Fallout 3, Saints Row, Need for Speed Series, Gran Turismo Series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
PC, Pencil & Paper
Other Interests
Anime, Brony, Disc Golf, Fishing, Cooking, Wood Craft, Interior Decorating, Landscaping, Cannabis, Green Tea, Hot Peppers, Tae Kwon Do