Current Residence: Macon, GA
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Rock and Roll, and Metal
Favourite style of art: any style
Shell of choice: Red ring shell, N64 Blue shell
Favourite cartoon character: Sonic, Mario, Turtles (both old and new), Sora, Link, and Mickey
Personal Quote: The next game designer!
Favourite Visual Artist
pretty much anyone that did any of my interests
Favourite Movies
Cronicles of Narnia, Robots, Ice Age, and the Matrix series, Kung Fu Panda, Captain America, Spiderman
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
JK Rowling
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts series, Digimon series, Pokemon series, Tales series, and Mario-Sonic-Link games
Favourite Gaming Platform
RPG, Action-RPG, Action, Fighting
Other Interests
video games, anthros, Gatomon/Tailmon, Anime, and transformations