A Shockingly Scary Runway Chapter 1 Before going ahead, I’m reminding once again for art commissioners to please stop bothering me with bogus deals where I’ve already made it clear that I do not do that. Otherwise, I’ll be reporting and blocking you all for the frauds that you are.
This story has been collaborated by my awesome user pal, Alvaxerox. I only own Lea Thompson aka Midnight Hope, Silvania/Sylvie Phaetos/Scream Light, the Fitzpatrick Sisters, Tina and Amy, Harry T. Lewis aka Hatty, Evan Hitch aka Scarecrow, Gregory Sander aka Techno-Tune, and Pauline Hanksaw aka Moth Queen. Members of the Gotham Grimtales are collaborative ideas helped by user friends in making them. The rest of the characters belong to their respective owners that belong to Ben 10 Omniverse, Batman the Animated Series, and Green Lantern Animated.
Please note that this story takes place after ‘Fortissimo Therapy’ and ‘The Greatest Show Thrill’ yet before ‘Techno-Tune's Thrilling Event’ story. And during ‘Inspiration Honored’. You can find