6302 BuD's Crown of Guilt - foal designGuardianOfJay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/guardianofjay/art/6302-BuD-s-Crown-of-Guilt-foal-design-404248857GuardianOfJay

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6302 BuD's Crown of Guilt - foal design



Info once I've slept for a few hours, had the worst day in a loooong time.
Just getting this up so I'll make my lazy ass write down her infos soon >_<

Dare to ask for a breeding and I'll stab you with a knife and blacklist you in case you happen to survive it. :stare:


Meet Sin,Key's little sister :heart:

General Information

ID: 6302
Genotype: Ee Aa nprl nR nZ nRb nT nLp nPan
Phenotype: silver bay roan rabicano tobiano varnish roan appaloosa panda (pearl carrier)
Breeding Note: nordanner.deviantart.com/notes…
Additional Notes: greenish-blue eyes. darker spots from the varnish roan and corn spots.



:bulletblue: 2nd Gen / :bulletpink: 2nd Gen

------------------------------------------ SSS: foundation
----------------- SS: foundation
------------------------------------------ SSD: foundation
Sire: 511 ArDes Silent Criminal (s)
------------------------------------------ SDD: foundation
----------------- SD: foundation
------------------------------------------ DSS: foundation
----------------- DS: foundation
------------------------------------------ DSD: foundation
Dam: 506 ArDes Desert Royalty (s) :trophy:
------------------------------------------ DSS: foundation
----------------- DD: foundation
------------------------------------------ DDD: foundation


Design =GuardianOfJay
lines and breed Cloudrunner64 and Brindletail
Image size
3000x1265px 2.19 MB
© 2013 - 2025 GuardianOfJay
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InactiveAccountt's avatar
Holy wow :faint: This is a gorgeous design, very well done <3