Deceased Nordanners with SlotsI'm going to be deceasing a few Nords with slots that haven't been used yet, and I want to alert the people who are on them.You have 30 days to use the slot, or reply back here that you will be. By that time if you do not, I will be taking the slot back, as I'm slowly moving my herd over to Drakehest because I really want to continue using my designs and horses in a setting with my friends and I feel that Nordanner is not that setting. I've mulled it over for a while, and this is the way I want to go with them.saltyearthmango has already said that she doesn't want her slots on FB, so she will be taken off of her slots.The following will be the people the horses they have slots to. Please use ctrl + f to find your name, as it may be listed more than once.ZyathEstatekagetora4everFillyfallsThePantsyTriosaltyearthmango - GIVEN BACKThePantsyTrioiRideOn