gtac's avatar


Club GTA
1 Watcher20 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)
My Bio

Current Residence: Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas
Favourite genre of music: Whatever's on the Radio
Operating System: Exsorbeo
Favourite cartoon character: Pogo The Monkey
Personal Quote: "Lights out, pillowfight! Oh daddy, put it away!" - Cliff Lane

Favourite Movies
Goodfellas, Scarface, Godfather Trilogy
Favourite Writers
Gary Penn
Favourite Games
Grand Theft Auto. Duh.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox, PC, PS2, or PSP.
Tools of the Trade
Various Weapons, Brass Knuckles and other Melee Weapons
Other Interests
Carjacking, Running Protection, Whacking Pushers, Gangbanging
V-Rock themed Kiriban and free membership for 666 hits! Rock on! :headbang: Welcome to what should be the premiere Grand Theft Auto club for members of DeviantArt. Here you can post fanart of GTA including drawings, photomanips, and even pictures of your own mods for the GTA games on the PC. This club is also open to GTA-based fanfiction. News - 28 January 2007 We're now on :devTheList:. The Empire grows...We're currently expanding our horizons, that is to say our links list. We're trying to get listed on more and larger lists, as well as provide more essential links for GTA fans.The rest is old news:So, if you haven't already noticed my w...
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Profile Comments 13

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Hey Hey

Thanks very much for the :+fav: :D
I like your icon, and I like you for thanking me. (: Would you like to join the club? Right now it's like the Wild Traveller's phone lines (see/listen to WCTR, San Andreas for details.) in here and I'm looking to expand my empire.
Why not :D

I did not played SA yet, due to the fact my sis is holding on tight to the DVD, but I'm more than half through VCS.

And my Icon is directly taken from GTA VC. I have the whole weapon set if you want to
Cool. :D Thanks, tell your friends about us. This club, I mean. :rofl:
thanks for the fave!
thanks for the favs... glad you liked something of mine...