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Okay For Real This Time...
As I look forward to a new year, and yet another move in a few short months, I am doing my best to take advantage of the present calm in my life at the moment. My goal is to try and get my commission queue completely cleared out before I have to move again in May. Because, if history serves, another move just means things will get unstable again, and it's really difficult to get any work done in those conditions. And you have all been waiting far, far too long.It's rather unorthodox of me, but I started this time at the END of my commission queue, with single-piece commissions that I knew would be easier for me to get out of the way. And b...
New Beginnings
I'M BACK!There have been a lot of major changes happening in my life since moving to New England, and it's taken a lot of time to get my bearings. I ended a long-standing relationship of 11 years, and recently started some new ones. My family looks a lot different now than it once did, and adjusting to that has taken up a lot of my energy. Things have finally settled down now, and I have a much clearer vision for my future. I just finished getting settled into a new place (again) and will be trying to get back into the swing of things very soon. Preschool will be ending next month, but I expect to have my kid in daycare over the summer. As...
Preschool = Sweet Freedom
So, I am finally settled in my new apartment and the workshop is set up. I have just been waiting for my kid to start preschool so I can focus on getting these commissions cranked out. Unfortunately the program is only a half day, but I can still get a lot done with 4 hours of freedom from my kid! That all starts on the 12th. I also got a part-time job as a baker/decorator, so I'm back in the bakery again. Hopefully I'll be posting some of my work from there soon. ;DI have a bunch of notes and emails I haven't been able to get around to responding to, but I plan to reply to everyone very soon. Once again, thank you all for the incredible p...
The Soap Opera of My Life...
Ugh, I seem to have dropped off the face of the earth again, haven't I? I'm afraid I have been distracted from my pony duties, yet again, by life stuff. In the months leading up to Bronycon, I have fallen in love, come out of a personal closet, and been managing some increasingly complicated, downright soap-opera-esque personal drama as a result. It's been transformative, but a bit overwhelming. I managed to survive Bronycon once again, but now I am moving out of my apartment with my son and going through a separation from my partner of 11 years.As a result I'm going to be closing commissions yet again. I should be resettled relatively soo...
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I have a question.
how much would it cost to have a playable version of my oc?
how much would it cost to have a playable version of my oc?