Pea Turretgryphonworks on DeviantArt

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Pea Turret



The "Pea" turret - so named for its round and relatively small size- was one of early prototype robots created in the Aperture Science Laboratories. The technicians were instructed to construct a sentry that was "compact, simple, cute (to catch the targets off-guard, of course), and deadly." The "deadly" part must have slipped between the cracks at some point though, as all these turrets seemed capable of doing were spewing various forms of greetings, apologies, and names of endearment, as well as scuttle along on the floor like some kind of odd volleyball-sized metallic crab, generally following anything that moved yet doing nothing that could be remotely called killing. "Adorable but useless!" was many a cry at the testing stations that day.

Needless to say, this prototype was trashed rather quickly. Their tall and slender replacements were still rather polite, yet more than willing to put a few dozen holes into the test subjects they were programmed to target. All the pea turrets were supposed to have been collected and disposed of, yet strangely a good number of them have simply disappeared. Mayhaps the large number of ApSci employees leaving the facility with unusually lumpy lab coats had something to do with it...

LOL. This is so weird, I don't even know what to say about it myself. xD Quick paintbrush scribble in Photoshop.
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ChaosAngelMoon's avatar
That's so cute! And deadly!! I'll take 20!