Just a small time freelancer right now. Trying to get better and make it in this big, big world.
I Live in North Fl
I Draw monsters, dudes with weapons, chicks with boob armor, things exploding... You know the drill. Any cliche' from book covers, metal albums, bad RPG's.
I will straight up stab a bitch for some glazed donuts.
Or pizza
or anything to eat right now I guess
kinda hungry
I read a lot
Grammar are hard. I'm just not very good at it. Please don't beat me up.
Believe me, I don't like looking like an idiot. If I had realized this internet thing was going to take off the way it did I would have spent more time paying attention in English and less time daydreaming about saving the school/my childhood crushes from foot clan ninjas and terrorists. But damn I was good
I like things.
Here's a list of some things I like:
Not dieing
Walking Dead
Regular cakes
Crying into my pillow
Crying into YOUR pillow
Daydreaming about being a badass
Strategy games in general, I'll probably destroy you. Even if you're a Nine year old kid with hopes and dreams, completely unprepared for the reality of life, ignorant to the way the world works. I will crush you under the weight of that ignorance. I have no shame and nothing to gain, but everything to lose.
Writing. Not actually very good. Nobody is likely to see it until I die. My best friend might stumble across it on my hard drive while/if he completes his end of the deal.
You're welcome for the faves or watch!
I don't spam my fave button for page views or refaves. I do it because something you have created is inspiring to me and it helps build up my own mental and image library so I can (hopefully) make cooler pics.
Feel free to message me for commission rates. If you want to hit me up just to chat, that's cool too. I'll probably even give you my Skype. I get kinda stir crazy being a hermit that stays inside and paints all day. If you want to send me cookies or shit I'm pretty sure I'll love you forever.(for the cookies, not shit) Just throwing that out there.