grow-the-fck-up's avatar


Grow the F*CK up Campaign HQ
2 Deviations
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  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (105)
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Favourite style of art: "mature"
Personal Quote: Grow the Fuck Up.

Favourite Visual Artist
Lenny Bruce
We: the creative, intelligent, self-confident, and eclectic, ...are tired of the "mature content" police. We believe that part of living in the real world is going to be offensive. And, when we are offended, we are brave enough when sufficiently offended, to peacefully and courteously confront that which offends us and try to resolve it on our own; it is our responsibility as human beings to do so.Furthermore, when it comes to art, we are perfectly capable of picking and choosing what we will look at, and do not need a third party to "help" by enforcing a ridiculous system of scoring images as "mature" or "ideologically sensitive" or "viol...
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Censorship is like refusing to serve a man a steak because a baby cannot chew it.

I fully support this manifesto.

I have to agree with this movement.  If DeviantArt wishes to censor its content then it needs to change its name to "PuritanArt" and show some truth in advertising.  However I suspect they'll see a LOT LESS traffic if they cave to the activist few.

Warning (And then labelling) about a content for possible viewers is different than censorship.
Warning is OK. Censorship is not.
Problem is too many "sensitive" people don't want to understand the difference : warning allows you to watch and read if you want, censorship just forbids and indeed doesn't allow to think by yourself.
 I fully agree 1,000% and as a Libertarian Republican I also total support the amazing founders who gave us the Constitution!! The greatest rules/laws/guidance for a country ever!! Bless out Freedom of Speech and Thought!!
DeviantArt +fav  NOCensored  United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America boobs 
Was the maturity filter there from the inception of the site or was it added in response to people complaining there was none?