Only One EnerjakGrimweaverArt on DeviantArt

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Only One Enerjak



(BEFORE YOU COMMENT): Yes I know Dimitri is not the only one that became Enerjak. But there is only one KICK ASS Enerjak that can never be topped, and that's Dimitri. That's the meaning behind the title.

DA! Why you so literal! :P


I know what I said about echidnas a thousand times, but I never said that I would never draw them again. On a rare occasion I will, and that's when I feel like it. Remember that.

Two things happened that inspired me to do this: 1) I dug out some old music from the early 00's; old music brings back old memories, in a few cases my love for Enerjak. 2) After reminiscing I was curious about Enerjak art on DA and wanted to see if anyone is still drawing him. While browsing I am now very annoyed by a lot of people regarding Enerjak as Knuckles. I never read that story- at that point I was already 100% committed to never buying a comic ever again, but I do know that because of Locke's lab work on Knux he ultimately became overwhelmed by the power of a chaos emerald, much like his great uncle Dimitri, and.....*shutter* he "became" Enerjak.... So now when you say "Enerjak" it's not always refering to one person anymore, it's either Dimitri or Knuckles; to say the least, I am not at all happy with that... no...

There is only ONE Enerjak, that's the way things always should be in stories okay! Everyone should have their OWN identity.

So I got peeved enough to draw this. Whether he managed to siphon the chaos power from Knuckles or just decided to beat him (already being a living emerald again) I haven't made up my mind... so I'll leave that up to you.

With that rant out of the way, it's now time for the legal mumbo jumbo.

It has always been important. I don't want people stealing ANY of my work, but it seems that thieves target this subject the most- I have some assumptions about why but that's not important...

These two characters are not mine.. Enerjak belongs to Archie and Knuckles belongs to Sega. But this piece of work is mine; I created it so I have rights as the artist. You do NOT trace, recolor, or do any other kind of cheap-ass theft crap to this work- Do your own damn work instead of being a leach with no talent.

If you want to use this in a youtube video or anything else..... ASK ME FIRST; I usually say yes to this as long as credits are included. But ask me, don't just assume that I will say yes.

YES you will get caught eventually if you steal/recolor/trace. Don't be an idiot.

I hate having to have all that writing across the pic but I've had it- I'm tired of my stuff getting ripped off.
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Awesome. The original is always best.