Scribbles BrushesGrimStock on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

GrimStock's avatar

Scribbles Brushes



Pack was created in Photoshop 7 and contains 11 brushes


1. Credit me with a link to this account. I took the time to add this stuff here, the least you can do is link back.
2. Can be used outside of dA but please let me know because it’s only respectful.
3. Don’t claim as your own, it’s not nice and you wouldn’t like it if somebody did it to you, so don’t do it.
4. Can’t be used in prints, if you really want to use it for a print note me and we’ll see, but generally… Please don’t.
5. DO NOT use my work for anything that discriminates against anyone or anything. There is enough hate in the world and I don’t want to be a part of it.

If you do not follow my simple rules and I find out, you will be reported.
© 2009 - 2025 GrimStock
anonymous's avatar
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dan3008's avatar
Wow, I love these

Would it be ok for me to use them for my wedding stationary? we are doing the whole thing DIY, and have been looking for something like this :D