BLUE PHANTOM # 6 Wrath of The Monk

8 min read

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Rev. Jimmie Norris
Thank You all to come on this find day to about are Lord blessing so are day is........

Random Girl #1
Hey everybody, Blue Phantom just defeated bunch of Baddies at River Center!  

Church Goers
YEAH! Blue Phantom is Awesome! She is everyone's hero.

Rev. Jimmie Norris
Okay we've know that Blue Phantom is pretty nice person,but this is a place of worship, not a Fan Club of some loony girl,who everyone think she's a hero. No she not she is a just doing the job of some else tell me about why she so cool and is she bigger than Jesus? The answer is always No.

Alice McAllen
Your wrong,Blue Phantom is a hero to everyone,and she defeating Death,a Cyborg, & a Bounty Hunter.

Rev. Jimmie Norris
So what she defeated bunch of Losers,I been a Baptist Minster for 35 years,and I having been save some else other than Jesus.

(L: Molly and Alice's Apartment)

Molly Cyrcus
Hey, how church going?

Alice McAllen
It was terrible!

Molly Cyrcus
What happening?

John McAllen
Well we've listing the Good Lord pray instead we've hear a Minster ranting about You,and evening say you bigger than Jesus.

Molly Cyrcus
I'm not bigger popular than the Son of Man,and why he ranting about me? I did what God want me to do used Hope,and My Catholic Priest would laugh at this non-sense rant.

Amanda Cyrcus
Look Molly,this Minster doesn’t know about the real side of you,and I know you,John,Alice,Robert,Uncle James,Are Parents,Are Grandparents,Jane, & Everybody that you told knows that you are the Blue Phantom. So Molly isn't hard that some Minster is kinda wrong about you in ways around he's head,but please don't do anything heroic before church hours on Sundays.

Molly Cyrcus
Okay Amanda you are right about some things,and I tell Erin,and not everyone else other than The Commander of F.U.M.E. Who just call me to note that I will work  by sides with The Heroes of Mississippi and Minnesota before the actually team can do  Hero stuff for some Major Events of that will never happen.

(L: Rev's Home)


Rev. Jimmie Norris
Hello? What there's a package on my doorstep,and there's note,too.

(It's Reads:
Dear,Rev. James T. Norris,

I know about your recent rants about Blue Phantom,and I approved you with this gift  that was craft by our finest craftsmen. So you can defeated The One that three other can't do,Blue Phantom herself.

From, LB)

Rev. Jimmie Norris
So what it is gift that is “L.B.” giving me that is me from he's or she's            
craftsmen could be a crappy prank from some kids.


Rev. Jimmie Norris
What it's a black rode? Well I much try it on at see it's fit me.

(He put on the role.)

Rev. Jimmie Norris
Okay this fit on pretty nice,now I try the hood. (SFX: WWWWRRRRAAASSHHH TTTTTHHHUUUMMBBB) AAAAAAAWWWWWWW....I FEELED POWER!......I AM THE MONK!!!!!!!

(L: Alice's Restatement)

John McAllen
What's Amanda?

Amanda Cycrus
I just thinking about that recurrent dreams that I keep having.

John McAllen
Oh the ones about that Owl and Something bad is going to happen.

Amanda Cycrus
John, in this I saw not only the Owl,but I see a Phoenix and Someone familiar with a Dragon,and I don't known why this is keep having this dreams maybe Molly have them,too?

John McAllen
Amanda, I don't know if your sister have them or not it's appends.    

Amanda Cycrus
Yeah you are right about it just dreams.

(L: CyrcusKeys Office)

Molly Cyrcus
Huh, I think feel something that Amanda keeping have,and I think she will become.....

Robert Cyrcus
Molly,why you stand there,and talking to yourself at this very late at night.

Molly Cyrcus
Well none,and it's my Blue-Powered Autistic Mind talking again,that is all Rob.

Robert Cyrcus
You apposed to doing fighting crime,right now?

Molly Cyrcus
What on a Sunday Night,how I can faces a harden thugs,and been working on ideas of next technology projects.


Robert Cyrcus
What I thought Cyber Female is in jail?

Molly Cyrcus
Yeah this isn't from her someone is doing something weird.


Robert Cyrcus
Bats in my Company?

Molly Cyrcus
Good thing your not the “Justice” type. I going to see what with it and a quick clothing change. (SFX: BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAMMMMMFFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOMMM)

The Monk
Now I made all of Baton Rouge feel my power to fear my wrath.


The Monk
I sensed the Blue Phantom is here,and now she will fear my illusions of God.

Blue Phantom
Fog in the break room someone have breakout the fog machine for this.


Blue Phantom
Really loud church bells I wonder who bring them.


Blue Phantom
Thunder? This isn't right,this isn't right at all!

The Monk (In a Deep Voice)

Blue Phantom
Who say that,and why you know what I doing for you?

The Monk (In a Deep Voice)

Blue Phantom
Wait your not God,and Your don't if I have sins or not?

The Monk
You fool aren't afraid of my Illusions. Are you Phantom?

Blue Phantom
Well I didn't expected the Emperor to show up,and faces me.

The Monk

Blue Phantom
Oh yeah he is something that I have.


(The Monk fared into the darkness,and the everything is back to normal.)

Blue Phantom
What he's gone and I don't know where he is at?

(L: Alice's Restatement)

John McAllen
What is that fog coming out the restatement?



Alice McAllen
Wait we've didn't a rat problem in the restatement!

Amanda Cyrcus
What is that noise?



Blue Phantom
Alice where is your customers?

Alice McAllen
Scare for rats.

Blue Phantom
It's mush been that black hooded guy again!

John McAllen
The Grim Reaper?

Blue Phantom
No I see him before,and his illusions are creepy as.........

The Monk
Well Phantom you in able me here,and now you will faces My Wrath!

Blue Phantom
Everyone stayed with me I know what I try to think of how to defeat a Illusionist Emperor without using any of my power.

The Monk

Alice McAllen
That what last time villains say that,and they where lose to her.

The Monk
Well can all of you to faces your deepest fears?

Blue Phantom
Wait deepest fears????

Amanda Cycrus
I'm think this one might be your greatest challenge to face,and you need to unleashed the Hope Lion to defeated him.

Blue Phantom
Amanda you just give me a idea,and this is my third time of using the Hope Lion.

The Monk
So you have giving up Phantom?

Blue Phantom

The Monk
What a Lion? No this is can't be! I, the Monk can be defeated by this Blue Big Cat.


The Monk


Blue Phantom
Now feel the power of The Phantom Side.


Police #1
Wow Blue Phantom,you defeating The Emperor?

Blue Phantom 
Yes Officer, I defeat him without using a Lightsaber.

Police #2
Okay you don't see that everyday.

(L: Cyrcus-Keys)
Robert Cyrcus
Well Molly you now four defeated villains,and the deal with everyday criminals.

Molly Cyrcus
Rob, I'm good of keeping up with my day to day life style of been the Phantom.

(Amanda walk in the door.)

Robert Cyrcus
Amanda what are you doing here?

Amanda Cyrcus
Robert I just talk to Molly about something.

Robert Cyrcus
Okay I leave you two in my office.

Molly Cyrcus
Amanda what is that you want to talk me about?

Amanda Cyrcus
Molly did you have these Strange Dreams about Owls?

Molly Cyrcus
Strange Dreams about Owls?

Amanda Cyrcus
Well I keep having them,and they always see a Owl,a Phoenix,a Dragon, & Something is going to Happen. Molly what that means?

Molly Cyrcus
Amanda,that not a dreams those are predictions.

Amanda Cyrcus

(L: Jail)

Rev. Jimmie Norris
I can't be here,I a Minster of a Church. Can anyone tell me?

Death the Reaper
You where not the only one that was defeated form that Immoral fool!
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