Grim ReaperGrim-Piggles on DeviantArt

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Grim Reaper



My second attempt at the infamously sexy and badass Rattlesnake Jake. The first time I tried drawing him I used a ref, and had horrendous results. This time I tried it from memory, but he looks a bit...cartoony. I like it though. Way better than my last sketch. He looks like a freakin' dinosaur.

Semi inspired by a roleplay with a friend and me, but my fanfiction [link] inspired it as well. I know fan characters are so...cliche, but I couldn't resist. I wanted to color my Jake sketch, but I also wanted to color in an Adina sketch too. *shrugs* Kill two birds with one stone.

Rango/Rattlesnake Jake (c) Nickelodeon

Adina the Northern Black Racer and Artwork (c) :iconsargesgrl12:
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1536x1335px 1.82 MB
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DrSlither's avatar

"Jack's the bloody Grim Reaper he never leaves without taking a blooming soul"