When awesome people watch you :3... # 7

5 min read

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Grifmore's avatar
Ladies and gentlemen - it will be a watcher feature this time, only got 6 people to show, but what the heck xD

Will run till the 5th of November ;)

:iconuber-bubble: :thumb134324068: :thumb93859526: :thumb129598477:

:icondavven7: The Other Worlds by Davven7 Forcefully Together by Davven7 Halo by Davven7

:iconhippievan57: zizzi by HippieVan57 peaceful day by HippieVan57 eye_ris by HippieVan57

:iconseigner: Ice Warrior by Seigner Sisters by Seigner LibertyWhat is freedom?, Is the ability to do or say on our own. How is lost, how we recover it? are the most common questions. But the real question is why human beings like so much of trying to limit and control the decision of others. More importantly, why we deny ourselves our freedom?.

Individuals, groups, governments, generations have been dedicated to oppress, suppress and eliminate other trying to dominate and subjugate, but freedom can never lose, we can deter, persuade or threaten, but the ultimate decision lies with us and we which decided to submit.
At present we like to call freedom-lovers but we fervent wish not to have it and we fe

:iconmokre: :thumb124751727: :thumb128058984: :thumb129326309:

:iconblueboy777: beauty of forest by blueboy777 model girl by blueboy777 cute girl by blueboy777

Enjoy these pieces from their galleries and please do check them out ^^

Haven't been online much, time is not what I got most of sadly :( So, from a scale from 1 to 7 where 3 is the highest number, how stressed are you? xD

I'd say I'm around the 12 ;)

Untill the 5th of November, see ya peeps :D

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Seigner's avatar
Thanks for the features