I am Subscribed! I have Power! Bawahahahaha!
First the internet goes down for a week, and now I'm stuck with assignments for a YEAR. Jesus, I am (haha) Busy. And pretty fucked right now. Please forgive me ;D
I believe I bought this one a week ago
It was way to awesome to leave alone xD
With all my new power, I can do this:
And of course my loved ones <3
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Music from the ressistance
Dear male/female citizenLast night the government discovered an ugly truth. Honestly we did. And it was ugly. Ugly as fuck. Ugly as hell. You'll get to hell if you discover it too. Therefore, we discovered it for you. Discovered it so much, that you, dear citizen, shouldn't worry about it. Break your head, legs or anything else, and go silently back to your numb sleep. Dear citizen, we discovered music from the resistance! "Should I worry about this?" you ask us confused. NO OF COURSE NOT, dear citizen, we are here to think for you. Or well YES, YOU SHOULD, because if you ever listen to this PROPAGANDA you will be executed. This http:...
When you consider to support death penalty
I have always been against Death Penalty - probably always will be - because I find life quite valuable. I see no reason to throw it away, especially not for some eye-for-an-eye-ideal. Though, times comes where one reconsiders his criticism. Here I talk about paedophilia in Catholic Church.Yes, cases have come to light in the recent weeks, some hardcore cases evolving around abuse of children in the Catholic Church. Mainly, again, in Ireland and USA, where the Church seems to have a lot of power. But also I Denmark - yes a protestant land - 8 cases, where children have been abused sexually have come to light in the recent couple of we...
All you need is love!
Or is it? Apparently not for everyone.Last night two hippies broke into the warehouse L.L.O.G.C (Long Live Our Great Company) under the excuse that they couldn't afford Xephelin. Yes, our greatest product. But their lies wouldn't stop there. No, they also said that Xephelin was an addicting product, and they had severe headache, when they didn't take it. All lies of course. L.L.O.G.C would NEVER create pills capable of that - I can personally vouch for that.Seemingly not everyone abides the law as they should, which is very sad. That's why L.L.O.G.C has been starting up afternoon classes, where one can learn about the law, and hopefull...
Robert Masters act
Dear citizen.Today is a glorious day! The Robert Master's act has, this very night, been approved by the senate after months of intense negotiations and debate. Some said it was monstrous, some said it was unethical, but tonight democracy proved them wrong! The Robert Masters act will take effect from 1/1-2011.If you read this then you shouldn't worry. This letter does not mean you will be affected by the Robert Masters act, but is merely meant to remember You where Your loyalty lies. As You probably know some people do not want this government to succeed. Yes, it's true. Some people despite our great country, America. And these people mu...
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Congrats on the sub. I LOVE IT, THE POWA
and thx for the feature mr p
Congrats on the sub. I LOVE IT, THE POWA
and thx for the feature mr p