Socialism and zombies can easily be connected. I'm a living proof of that (Proud).
Ah well - uhm... Welcome to my site. If this is your first time - you have to fight. Or well, uh... You'll find a lot of political artwork here. Also I love my girlfriend and beers should not be made of bears. Save the bears! Or beers... depending on your point of view :3
I do not believe in God, in fact, I despise religion. Yet, I do not despise people believing in a God, remember that!
Freedom forever - and save the cake for later!
Grifmore - The Red Dog
Current Residence: Psysically : Earth, Mentally: Far far away *___*
Favourite genre of music: Metal, Rapmetal, Hard Rock, Alternative & Stonerrock
Favourite style of art: Drawings? xD
Operating System: Firefox... No XP! No... Uhm... Monkeys! *Runs away*
Shell of choice: Don't kill the turtles
Wallpaper of choice: Nice ones? O_o
Skin of choice: I hope not O___o
Favourite cartoon character: John Constantine ~
Personal Quote: Heaven is endless. Hell is bigger.
Honor before survival
Survival before honor
Kittens playing at dawn are cuttieststst
My question is: What is your question?
Wrrrrrooooo, uhuhuhu, Wrrrrrrrooooo, uhuhuhu
Your nouns weren't that delicious.
Llama, Llama, here is a llama, free the llama, llama, llama, llama