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griever-tantalus's avatar

His, My, Our, Secret



A caption entry for the Image Pool Contest of :icontf-tg-contests: using image 88.

Details here:…

Tried something a bit different, caption-wise. Here's hoping it works.
Image size
1911x1256px 2.19 MB
© 2018 - 2025 griever-tantalus
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flashkill455's avatar
Really great. The unique format really helps set it apart. The story is actually pretty different having a guy who tfs back and forth without knowledge of it. The little details like the different fonts and the background really sell the presentation and I have to give extra praise to sentences actually not completing because of the note in front of it. A lot of times Ive seen this before (like 3) the sentences just magically fit in that space which bugs me.

The only real issue I have is that it isnt a bit longer which is maybe praise actually?