The Elusive Pimpernelgreyflea on DeviantArt

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greyflea's avatar

The Elusive Pimpernel



This is a piece of artwork I've submitted to Le Gun magazine; the theme was 'Paris', though we could take that as loosely as we wanted, so I went with something a bit French and English. ;) Featured here is Marguerite Blakeney, Sir Percy Blakeney and an ominous Chauvelin in the middle (not a good place for him to stand, I think ;)) all of whom feature in Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel.

Just a quick mention - I adore the Scarlet Pimpernel books (still not read them all though!) and I love the musical too. I need to watch that Richard E Grant version...
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angelofmusic1997's avatar
The first version of Pimpernel I saw was the REG version (before I even knew who REG was). I have yet to read the books and I now need to rewatch the REG version, because I have become a bit obsessed with Richard E. Grant...... just a bit Okay, too much. XD