Sarcantasy 24aGrendelkin on DeviantArt

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Sarcantasy 24a



Yag-yagh pn'glui iä Sarcantasy iä iä uaaa! --…

Fear is just a word.
It does not do justice to the feelings; the way your heart pounds, the way nervous energy fills your whole body, the way your thoughts fade like ice in a blast furnace.
It speaks not of the way honour and shame become distant and alien, things for later concern when once they stood foremost in your thoughts.

Fear is just a word.
It does not communicate how you plunge into an underground river and don't even feel the cold in your urgency to escape.
It does not speak of the way a small creature clings to a large one in terror, and neither creature treats this as anything but normal in their extremis.
It does not evoke the way a proud predator's whole being reverses itself when it knows itself to be prey.

Volamite Number Twelve:
Fear is just a word.
It does not do justice to the sheer purpose that fills a soul, how it blanks out the horror of finding what once you knew in ruins, and all your brothers dead or vanished.
It speaks inadequately of the mad energy that drives you up and on, defying orders once as absolute as stone. As absolute as stone torn down right behind you, all you knew coming undone, yet you dare not look back.

Fear is just a word.
Words are inadequate in the face of need.
The need to embrace a beautiful Ice Elf who kisses you.
The need to kill some bastard who tried to knife you over a lucky roll of the dice.
The need to lie, beg and swear any oath needed to make the torture stop.
The need to get away from the hideous noises and the stench, the things you can almost understand and want to leave behind you.
The need... to plunge into the frightful and dangerous Overground just to live, to live...!

Fear is just a word.
Reality is running to escape abomination.
And though we hear the thunder of a door closing behind us, though a thousand unfamiliar scents, sights and sounds assail us, running is still the only reality.
Unto exhaustion.
Unto... sleep.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

WHAT WILL YOU DO tomorrow, when the Undergrounders wake up, somewhere in the Lumberjackfree Forest?

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Proceed, if you dare, to the next cutscene:…
Image size
3401x2040px 2.28 MB
Date Taken
Oct 24, 2018, 5:57:28 PM
© 2018 - 2025 Grendelkin
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