This account is no longer being used for masterlist recording as of March/ 02/2021
The masterlist has been moved to our new site!
If you are here to void a grem or want to join our discord, please note the group here OR Email us at
For trades, you can now register on the site and do this MUCH faster! If you want to make an account, or view the most updated information about grem2 go here:
If you are looking to trade but do not want to make an account, please go here (if you no longer have a DA account, youll need to register on the site for any trade):
I know I'm not the Gremcorp account runner, but there's a discord! is the page to go on here for it and you have to send them a note for the link!
(Is there where I ask this?)
I just noticed my kiddo is still listed as able to be resold even though I received it through trade! Should be trade/gift only now ^^
It has been updated! Keep in mind that if the trade comment has not been featured, it means it was not double checked and so sometimes there can be information that is not right or has not been changed yet~
Oh I didn't know that! Thank you! ^^