Ecco, Perils of the Coral ReefGregorytheImpaler on DeviantArt

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Ecco, Perils of the Coral Reef



I was playing through Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future again recently, and I remembered how much fun Perils of the Coral Reef was. I loved that shark, even though he could be a real pain to fight sometimes.

This is my interpretation of how it would look if the situation were to take place in real life. To add more of the "Ecco" feel, rather than simply dolphin versus shark, the Guardian Crystal is floating in the back outcrop, all shiny, glimmering, and epic holy looking like he did in the games. Gotta love those floating, talking crystals.

I really, really hope you like this. I took a long time to make it look just right. ^^

* * * * *
The Dolphin and Background are stock and property of :icondella-stock: And many many thanks to her for the perfect stock photos she generously posts!

Ecco the Dolphin, Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future, and Perils of the Coral Reef are copyright of Appaloosa Entertainment, Ed Annunziata, and Sega of America.
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© 2007 - 2025 GregorytheImpaler
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