OutlawGreg-Opalinski on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/greg-opalinski/art/Outlaw-395896187Greg-Opalinski

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Greg-Opalinski's avatar




Another personal piece. Hope you like it :)
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© 2013 - 2025 Greg-Opalinski
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Caracal-dynamics's avatar

Very cool and very badass. Interesting armor. (And as the other comments said:  It looks like real armor and no chainmail bikini. That's a big bonus.)

The dagger out of the shield looks dangerous and I realy wonder how efficent it is in a real combat on a shield of that kind. (Things to try out in a future fencing lession, because I see issues in some movements. But that are details, I have to find out in practice for myself.  I don't criticise that, I'm just realy curious, how good that would realy work.)

Anyway...it is a cool female fantasy character and she looks realy awsome. And she is left handed! Hard to fight against such opponents...and she doesn't look so kind,  to let you the time, to adopt yourself to her fighting style.