Ms. Greenreaper, I wpuld like to discuss with you my status on Inkbunny.
My avatar there is Roo. I mention this as I have strong reason to believe that many comments allegedly from me,were forged . It was only the first phase of hacker misuse of my username.
Joeyboy claimed that I was abusive to him on Tumblr. I was never on Tumblr That was the first indication that there was trouble. He evem drew a pic of his joey scowling at me.
Sometime later, I accepted a commission offer from Pentrep. To my surprise he accused me of insulting him & his art. I tried to reply, but found myself blocked. I tried to find out what the h--- was going on, by asking somebody, but you went into a supersonic hyperspazz and blocked me from commenting normally. It was NOT "ban evasion", but simply trying to find out what was going wrong. Some joe or jill forged my name to an abusive comment or rewrote the one I did make. As a result I no longer like to see Pentrep's art as it reminds me of this fiasco.
I did find a comment with my name forged to it. If you'll look at my favorited gallery in Inkbunny, for a pic of an weird alien herm. She is massively pregnant and yet has a huge male organ. She also has 5 eyes. The artist asked me what I meant in my comment "she's ready for blocking" . I told him that I had no idea (and still don't) ,because I did not make the comment.
After you passed judgement on me, the trouble shifted to my eMail. I was surprised to get 2 eMails from some joe in Yahoo (I was never on Yahoo) angrily accusing me of making homosexual overtures to him. He called me a fag in each eMail. I tried to reply to deny allegations (I am not a fag.)but like in Tumblr, somebody forged my username.
That was the calm before the storm.
Some 1100 or so orders were made to Alibaba or AliExpress, a few to Malaysia, one to PayPal... there was even a notice about an oyster festival in Australia. I would not even go to next door for an oyster festival. In each case where an apparent order was involved, I left eMail stating that I placed NO order, that I had NO intention of paying for anything and that they were asked NOT to accept any future orders claiming to be from me. ThAT STOPPED THAT.
Since all these came in rapid succession ,I attribute them to the same miscreant.
In my regular mail, odd and suspicious items turned up, incl. mail from organizations that thought I was a registered member. The mail also included a porn offer. Again the repeat offenders had to be informed that I had not applied, that my name had been forged. That stopped that.
PT.4 and I trust this is the last.
About a dozen or so eMail invites from floozies would turn up daily. After deleting them repeatedly, I then clicked on "remove from mailing list". The steady stream stopped in a few days. Now I just wait for whatever comes next. Normal junk mail I can manage, but not these floozies.
As I stated I did not make abusive comments, and would like to see these alleged comments. Maybe some joe or jill took exception to something I said, but I do NOT use 4-letter words.