'Jewish Zombies' not considered hate art

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Deviation Actions

greenhybrid's avatar
I don't know, maybe it's my german biasedness, but I think dizaynx.deviantart.com/art/zom… is definitely hate art, as it categorises an ethnic group of people as being bad. And it reminds me of WW1 and WW2 propaganda, and in case of dizaynx, of anti jewish nazi propaganda in particular: www.nahost-politik.de/hetze/ka…

I do not understand, by means of any FAQ, posting such imagery is allowed and tolerated here, and if you look at the report-log, you will see that I wasn't the only one who thinks so. I am happy that his postings are not very popular (at the moment of writing, he only had 182 views).

If you are interested, here is the autogenerated reply by staff:


"Your Prohibited Content Violation Report on zombies was reviewed by a member of the staff and action was taken, marking the report as Invalid.

Additionally, the following comment was provided:

A staff member has reviewed this report and has found that this deviation does not meet the current standards in use for defining "Hate Art".

Please review our FAQ entry on the subject of "Hate Art" so that you can be more familiar with the official definition.

Please click here for more information.

This message was generated automatically.

-- deviantART Staff"


And now, he just declared himself as not being any better:

"Go to hell, i wish oneday your children also be killed with napalm bombs and you all cry sitting on your relatives blood on the streets."

What he frowns upon he now wishes some of us.

© 2009 - 2025 greenhybrid
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B0073D's avatar
Having just finished reading Schindlers List (Or Schindlers Ark as it was originally called) im inclined to agree with you... this definitively feels like hate propaganda...

Though I find the fact that the staff didn't see this as Hate art a little disturbing...