Features/ Gone for a week

10 min read

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GreenEyezz-stock's avatar

(I give permission for one-stop-stock and Manip-Equips to display my pics in their gallery)

:icon0-stock: :iconmanip-equips: :iconstock-artists: :iconone-stop-stock: :iconchristians: :iconamateur-manips:


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{New News}

Hello poeples. I just thought that I would give you a heads up and let you know that I am going to be gone for the next week till Friday so if you've used my stock and left me a messages about it, don't worry I'll get to it on Friday or Saturday when I get back :)
My gallery is also back up so that it can be here for the next week when I'm not and I'm trying to submit some pictures before I go.
Anyways, I'll take care of all the messages when I get back.

Have a wonderful week :blowkiss:

My Art account: GreenEyezz :icongreeneyezz: GreenEyezz


:below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below: :below:

:star: Click Here to see people and deviations useing my stock

:above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above: :above:

:star:My Stock Gallery Index

|| Animals || Food || Miscellaneous || Nature || Objects ||
|| Places || Plants || Textures ||

:star:DeviantART FAQs dealing with stock


:bulletblue:Note me with your finished picture (I want to see your art! ^_^) but not on front page please.
Commenting on the image you used is fine but it would be great if you could also send a note.

:bulletblue:You must credit me in some way with either a link of my avatar or name back to my site and if you want post a link to the original picture you used.

:bulletred:DO NOT USE MY STOCK IN IMAGES CONTAINING MATURE CONTENT OF ANY KIND. This includes nudes, seductive themed pictures, graphic violence or blood and anything else that requires a mature content tag. I would also ask that you don't use my stock in demonic images or other offensive images.

:bulletred:Stock is for use on deviantART only. If you wish to use outside dA please ask for permission.

:bulletred: If you are considering useing my stock to make more stock please ask for permission first and understand that I will have specific rules if you wish to do so

:bulletblue: Concerning prints: please ask first via note.

(If you do not follow The rule concerning what types of art you
are allowed to use my stock in I do reserve the right to ask you to remove it.)
••• I grant all deviants permission to use my stock provided that
they follow my personal rules as well the deviantART policies. •••


Wall Texture 1 by Insan-Stock Sand 12 by pricecw-stock
:thumb52133482: :thumb53209346:
Grunge Hell 1 by AsunderStock texture-stock 3 by AJK-Original-Stock 234 by lonesome-stock
Texture 58 by SerkeTextures Writing i can't understand by dazzle-textures :thumb45285361: :thumb50615390:    Sand 11 by pricecw-stock Real texture_wood-04 by Aimelle-Stock

Layout CSS and graphics wordsrioting 2007
© 2007 - 2024 GreenEyezz-stock
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