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Ed Edd n Eddy Mis-Edventures



Sucked. That game sucked more than anything that has ever sucked before. October 08, drawn in pen, colored and finished in photoshop.

Other Eds pics: [link] and [link]

I appreciate and cherish all gifts and acts of kindness from my friends, so you know. For my birthday, one of my friends ( :iconph34r-piroko: ) thought it'd be funny to give me "Ed Edd n Eddy's Mis-Edventures" for the PS2 as a gift. I like Ed Edd n Eddy. I like playing laughably awful video games. She thought I'd like the both of them put together.

I would much rather appreciate a Xerox machine suspended on a chain, swung right into my testicales.

This game is crap. Unforgivable rubbish. I was only able to go so far as level 3 before the N64 level graphics (on a PS2 game for crying out loud), irritating music and voice clips (from the show), and repetitive, uninteresting gameplay forced me to stop for good. I was slowly starting to hate this show and resented ever liking it as a cherished kids show, so I definitely had to stop playing. Screw this crappy game.

Eddy is convinced it's a good game, so he tries to sell it to Kevin. Kevin kindly suggests where Eddy should put the game. Ed knows it's a crappy game and glares at it with hateful eyes. Double D is indifferent.

Check it out on Newgrounds, too: [link] and [link]
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freddyfnaf1997's avatar

no, this game does not sucked and nobody cares about your opinion about eene ps2 game!