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Dub el Dee



February 2009, done entirely in Photoshop.

As i was working on illustrating for this one dude's kids book, i used the "template" of one page to make this. VERY VERY VERY late request by :iconangelotorta: . Even though this only took me, like, accumulative of 5 hours, i spread those out over the course of weeks due to procrastination/Xbox 360/tripping and hurting my foot.

But, yeah, it's Double D from Ed Edd n Eddy. It sucks that the show is canceled, but i think Hitler said it best before he plugged himself: "It may have been a short couple of years, but it's been one hell of A FREAKEN RIDE!!!!!"

Other Eds pics: [link] and [link] and [link]
Image size
2550x3300px 2.98 MB
© 2009 - 2024 GreencardLove
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