grayscalerain's avatar


A Sad Little Cloud

Deviation Spotlight

Personal Art - Commander Cat! by grayscalerain, visual art

Artist // Student // Digital Art
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (189)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (3)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (2)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (2)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (2)

Favourite TV Shows
She-Ra and The Princesses of Power, Hilda
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Hello Meteor
Favourite Games
Helldivers 2, Limbus Company
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Paint Tool SAI & Photoshop CS2
Other Interests
Music, Video Games, Writing, Drawing, RP Hello everyone! Sorry about the lack of update last week, I was just... extremely checked out and kind of tired overall, to the point I just needed to take some "me-time" for a bit. I'm sure you all understand. But, regardless, we're still rolling on! Things are going well in spite of everything, and the comic work is coming along nicely! This last week, we had a new Various Happenings update, and today we have a new update for The Adventures of Clara Cosmos, so I hope you all enjoy those! I haven't gotten ahead yet, but I can feel myself getting faster, so hopefully it's only a matter of time before I really begin to hit my stride with it! Check out the site for the schedule! There won't be any survey this quarter, simply because I couldn't think of what to ask. Things are pretty cut and dry right now and I don't have any really fun or funny questions to ask currently, so we'll just not do that this time. I haven't really been cataloguing
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In Not a lot to say this week! This year's Halloween streams have been doing really well! They've been restricted to Discord this time due to me wanting to keep the volume down and avoid having a huge tail on the orders, but so far everything has been pretty good! Next year I'll probably restrict it to one or two slots instead of three, just manage the amount, but I'm definitely going to reach my goal this year, so I'm very happy about that. There's just one more stream this week on Monday, and then I'll be happy to call Spoops and More '24 a success! Unfortunately, however, the effort involved means I haven't really had much stamina for comic work this last week, so I'm only about half way through the current Various Happenings update. I'll do my best to get it taken care of by Friday this week though. Sorry about that, but special events require special considerations! In the meantime, you can also check out the schedule on the site. So yeah
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In Hey, peeps, meeps, and beeps! Sorry for the lack of updates last week, I was somewhat ill over the last one and I didn't really have the energy for the weekly update or really anything much at all, which is why there was a lack of streams this week as well. My stomach was doing rather badly, and I think I had skipped one too many meals and gotten rather sick because of it. I'm back on track now, but I simply lacked the energy at the time to do anything but focus on Clara and maybe a couple of other things. I simply wasn't up to the task of doing the updates or streaming, and I apologize for that. I'm feeling better now, fortunately. And hey, there is an update for The Adventures of Clara Cosmos, so go check that out! In the meantime, you can also check out the schedule on the site. Updates are slow but steady, and we're getting things checked off here and there. I've got a plan to update the site a little in the future, and the first part of that
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Profile Comments 224

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Howdy! Quick question: where do I send fanart?

I was wondering if you do art trades or you have a lot of stuff 😅

Can I say something extremely weird and will make you weirded out?

Hey do you take commissions?

Occasionally!  I put a message in my weekly update when I am. n.n  Check that now and again to see if I have spots open.  Currently, however, things are closed.

Thanks and thanks for answering

I really like your art style and I'm new was just wondering if by any chance you do art trade ^^?