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graver13's avatar

Fatal Error: WIP



Pencils for a project in the works featuring Lucretia de Loccia, a character created by *ProfessorBlues... a cybernetic robotics genius who suffered a bit of an accident.

This one I knew was going to be a supper fun one to work on. All he had to mention to me was triple amputee and he had my undivided attention.

More to come as it comes.

EDIT 08/01

Finished inking the piece with my spankin' great new pens. God I love these new pens.

I decided to use both my black and sepia colors on this one. Originally I was just going to do the main figure in black and the background in sepia, but when i started working, the wild idea struck me to work the flesh parts and a few other areas of Lucy over in sepia to give them a more flesh like appearance from the get go.

I really like the end result and it makes me want to get these pens in a lot more colors. I think i could get some interesting effects out of them.

Next up, some nice colors and happy trees, yay!
Image size
1000x745px 112.2 KB
© 2007 - 2024 graver13
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Larissa-Rasputin's avatar
It is my firm belief that happy trees will one day take over the world. They just sit there, pretending to be all happy and in the sun, but they're just biding their time, waiting for that perfect moment and then they will STRIKE and their fury will bring about a bloodbath like no ones ever dreamed!

I love the two different colors in this, the wonderful thing about your stuff is it's a great work of art as pencils, as inks, and as colors. You could stop at just one step and it would be perfection.