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graver13's avatar

Acoustic Delusions



Hot bodies, the scent of sweat and drugs, strobing lights and a pounding primal base undercutting a unstoppable flowing electronic melody all orchestrated by the messiah of the new sense, Acoustic Delusions.

Okay, so when I first began working on this one, I was under the slightly false impression that the character was in some way a rocker or washed up rocker. That mixed with the screen shot of him that was sent to me by ~DJWoody prompted the pose and over all design of this piece. Hell, just the screenshot screamed at me forcing this piece... and it was a blast. I guess I had a touch of Iggy in my head when putting this one down on paper.

Well, hope it's enjoyed as it was a blast to make.
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733x900px 106.35 KB
© 2007 - 2024 graver13
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Larissa-Rasputin's avatar
Looks great, love the grunginess of it :clap: