I'm doing alright! I'm not sure I'm still healthy, I need to get myself checked this month so I'm probably going to the doctor next week. However, for as long as I can remember, I get massive red marks on my chest, neck and face when I'm really nervous (job interviews, presentations, etc.) and I recently read it can be caused by the high blood pressure. As you know I've been taking medication for a few months now, and yesterday I had a presentation. Guess what!? I had no red marks at all!

It's only an assumption, but I think it's a BIG sign that my medication is working! It's also a bit of a shock, because if the red marks were really caused by the high blood pressure, I've been having this for years and years and years D:
But I'm trying my best! Eating healthier, less meat, more fish, more vegetables, less caffeine, no alcohol (but mainly because of the medication), no smoking, etc. I might need to exercise more often, but I have a hard time getting myself to do this

I've been contemplating getting a dog, so I need to get out and walk more, but I've decided against it for now, because I'm not home often enough in my opinion and because they cost a fortune and I can't miss that right now. It's definitely on my bucket list though!
How are you doing?