Polymer Clay ICING TUTORIAL :DGrandmaThunderpants on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/grandmathunderpants/art/Polymer-Clay-ICING-TUTORIAL-D-192699410GrandmaThunderpants

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GrandmaThunderpants's avatar




WHEW. :B I said I'd put a tutorial up and I figured I'd start with one of the basics: icing!

This is a super easy technique to use to create realistic icing for all of your miniature polymer clay treats. I didn't mention this in the tutorial, but this icing will not dry out if you leave it sitting around. It hardens only when you bake it, though if you add food coloring I would suggest you put a layer of shrink wrap over the top or use a sealable container, since in my experience it does weird things to the color if you expose it to too much air.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Or if you'd like to see more tutorials, I'd be happy to help you out.


ps if you love me you'll check out my website and etsy :la:

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sherlymate's avatar
I just started out with food miniatures and I find mixing the TLS with scraped-soft pastels works quite nicely. Just pointing it out - but mixing the clay in with the TLS looks thicker and makes (obviously, thicker) icings look more realistic :D