Wehrmacht Luftwaffe General UniformsGrand-Lobster-King on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/grand-lobster-king/art/Wehrmacht-Luftwaffe-General-Uniforms-784978056Grand-Lobster-King

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Grand-Lobster-King's avatar

Wehrmacht Luftwaffe General Uniforms



This is a set of generic German WWII Air Force general officer uniforms. As with the army set, it should be noted that these aren't the only ones ever worn, or even the sole variations of each uniform above. However, contrary to the army set, the M43 cap and overseas caps were extremely rare compared to the army general variations. The kleiner rock was also an uncommon uniform it seems. The Fliegerbluse was a casual choice. Ostracized are the tropical uniform variations, which will be in a different set.

:iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz: :iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz: :iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz:

Bullet; Red This deviation is part of a series covering the Third Reich in a historical, educational, and virtual museum sense. As painful as it is to see some of these images, seeing them is the greatest possible way to avoid the mistakes of the past from being repeated. If you have any questions regarding the depiction or history about them in any form, feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for viewing!
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JackAubreySW's avatar
What a weird white inside for a coat like that. I also find it strange (but actually cool!) to see that the white hat was actually used with that colour of coat.
Great job as always!