grafikdzine on DeviantArt

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Periodic Food Table



This has been a personal project of mine for months. Probably since late September, early October. I took my love of food and combined it with the Periodic Table of the Elements. I knew that if I could find a food for every element, something special would come out of it. You can tell some foods were really hard pressed based on the element letter. Nonetheless, I'm happy with my interpretations.

That expired part as you can tell for me was absolutely impossible, so I added what I thought was a touch of humor.

Last note, I understand people might not agree with some of the foods/elements but that's all part of it. I won't hold it against anyone for their opinions. Please enjoy!
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5900x3300px 4.51 MB
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This is great!  I wish I were still teaching so I could use this in class.  But... 'emu' ???