GourouD's avatar


11 Watchers91 Deviations


Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio
Current Residence: Paris
Favourite genre of music: rock, electro, hard tek...opéra why not?
Operating System: Mac os x
MP3 player of choice: ipod nano white

Favourite Visual Artist
currently Basquiat
Favourite Movies
currently "new wave"&"les témoins"
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Just Jack, Massiv attack, the Strokes...(i can\\\'t chose one)
Other Interests
Draw, design, movie ...and more
time is running out so fast OK my birthdays is 24th december but it's write 23th because at paris we are already the 24th( 2 am 27 ) .
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0 min read
I got tag by randystolemykeys. I acknowledge that I took a little time to undersand the rules...and even now I don't understand all the link between the question and the the aswer... I'm not a wonder of English...anyway let's start. 1. What's the color of your shirt? Grey - You're a pervert    Okay... 2. Which is your birth month? December - When I changed tennis shoes 3. Which food do you prefer? Tacos - In your apartment Pizza - In your camping car Pasta - Outside of Chicago Hamburgers - Under the bus Salad - As you ate enchilada Chicken - In your closet Kabob - With Paris Hilton Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation H
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0 min read
ok, I got tagged by Mr RandyStoleMyKeys - - - Here are the rules for this tag: :: Choose a singer/band/group. :: Answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group. :: Tag 6 more people (let them know they've been tagged). - - - OKAY.....fiouuuu uuuu...I choose.....'JUST JACK' - - - 1.Are you male or female? (hum...it starts badly...what can i chosse...) Spectacular failures (pfouahahahaha) 2.Describe yourself! I talk too much (of course...or spectacular failures...i don't know if i can use 2 times the same title) 3.What do people feel when they're around you? Disco friends!!!! 4.How would you describe your previous re
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Profile Comments 21

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<3 j'aime tes dessins~
merci beaucoup:D
Hey, dear Davelicious! :dance:
I'm just dropping a comment here to let you know that you've been tagged... again! :D
If you want to, you can find the rules over here: [link]
It's quite fun when you get the hang of it ;)
Hello, dear Davelicious! :aww:
Do you mind if I tag you? I understand completely if you don't want to participate, but it's fun! You can find the rules over here: [link]
Have a lovely day ♥
no problem, but i don't think if a could tag 6 poeple...