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My 1971



We motioned for independence on the 25th of March, 1971. It is the most important war in our history. We have struggled for freedom for 9 long months for the victory. Today we stand tall and proud as a free country… but we will always remember the innocent lives lost in the process. We still cherish them, and have a many monuments. One of which is the “Boddho Bhumi”. It was built in the memory of all the intellects (scientists, professors, doctors etc.) of our country who were captured and murdered in Rayer Bazar, Dhaka, now, where the monument stands. We pray for their souls.

The line in Bengali reads: This time we protest for our freedom, this time, we protest for independence” – This famous speech was delivered by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, our leader, who we now honour as the Father of our Nation.

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