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I don't do this



First off, thanks to :iconromancereject: for my lovely Chan <3

Story -

With the owner of the stables away, it was up to the few stable hands and the owners sister and cousin to look after it. Most of the horses could be used for any kind of work, but not Chan. She was a racer, plain and simple.
Becca and Sarah decided to take Rose and Chan for a hack and maybe check out the tree that had fallen down, to see if they could jump it.

When they got there, they saw it was a pretty small log and easy enough to jump. Chan spotted the log and knew she had to jump it, but being a racer, she thought everything had to be done at top speed.
She took off towards the jump, with poor Becca hanging on for dear life. Becca yanked on the reins, telling her to take it slowly.
Chan didn't like that one bit and dug her hind legs into the ground and send her massive front end high into the air.

"If I can't do it my way, we won't do it at all!" She thought to herself.

Becca was lucky to stay on for the first rear, but when Chan started bunny-hopping backwards and forwards, throwing her head in the air and spinning on the spot, she just couldn't hang on any longer.
Chan spun round and headed for home.

Meanwhile, Rose was stood perfectly still, with a bemused expression on his face "Ppft, mares" he thought to himself as they started to head back.

They found Chan stood in her stable, facing the back wall. She was in a huff.
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