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Show/Registration Name: SBS Chan
Name: Jaqui
Gender: Filly
Breed: Thoroughbred
Age: 6 months
Height: will make 16.1hh
Color: Blood Bay Sabino
Markings: Sabino markings on both front legs, on the belly spreading upwards on the flank on down the front of the back legs. Bald face and left ear is comp[leted white whilst right ear is white with a coloured tip.
Discipline: Steeplechase of Flat racing (medium/long distance)
Passible Traits: Sabino gene
Genetics: EE/AA/nSb
Temperament: Eager to work but too hard on herself if things go rong and will have a random trantrum or hissy fit when something does go wrong. We have tired to make everything a game with her but she seems to take everything very seriously. Very responsive and we think we'll have a good racer here.
Sire: SBS Backstabber (Shattered)
Dam: SBS Flying High (Fly)
Awards/Winnings: n/a
Offspring: n/a
Status: Unavailable for Breeding
Rider: n/a
Image: n/a

This is Chan, who I'd like to adopt from :iconromancereject: ^^

The black colt is Rose Diamond, one of my characters. He thought he'd say "hi" to his potential new friend.

Since Rose and Chan are both thoroughbred, I think they'd get very competitive and grow up trying to best each other.
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800x600px 70.01 KB
© 2010 - 2024 gothic180
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AJ-BlazingFreedom's avatar
love their interaction here =D