Valentine's Doodle Brush Set..Gothic11Shadow on DeviantArt

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Valentine's Doodle Brush Set..



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I was bored and made this BLACKBOARD, CHALK, doodle brushes for Valentine's day. In the RAR file is 2 brush sets. The first one is my creation and the second is my 10 year old daughter's first brush set. I help her a little, but the last 5 brushes in the set she did on her own. All the brushes was hand sketched and then turned into brushes so I would like dearly if you follow my rules....

Lastly, ENJOY!!!!

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:bulletred: Credit me if you use them on art submitted to DA :icongothic11shadow:

:bulletred: Don't claim or redistribute my work as your own!

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© 2011 - 2025 Gothic11Shadow
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