Gorrem on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gorrem/art/LOTRO-The-Nameless-101288506Gorrem

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LOTRO: The Nameless



One of the Nameless creatures of Middle Earth. Content took some liberties with lore after Gandalf described "nameless beings that gnawed the earth" which were apparently so old even Sauron didn't know of them, yatta yatta. It was a nice excuse to do some crazy, abstract stuff for a change, so I did not complain.

Yes, he has a vortex in his chest.
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873x704px 435.59 KB
© 2008 - 2024 Gorrem
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EmperorDarthSidious's avatar

Even ignoring the whole "time is only measurable in Arda" thing, one can still argue that the Nameless Things are older than Sauron in the sense that they came to Arda before him. My TMNT 2003 headcanon is that Ch'rell is thousands of years old, far older than Tengu Shredder, but the Turtles can still say that "The Tengu Shredder is older than Ch'rell" because Ch'rell had nothing to do with Earth until 1100 AD, while Tengu Shredder was already a native of Earth since 400 AD, thus Tengu Shredder is older than Ch'rell as an Earth native. The same applies to the Nameless Things: They're older than Sauron as Arda natives, whether or not time can also be measurable outside of Arda. And that makes perfect sense for why he wasn't aware of them.