Terms Of Use

5 min read

Deviation Actions

gorjuss-stock's avatar


:bulletpurple:Like My Brushes? - Visit www.gorjuss.co.uk :bulletpurple: for many more !

If you're looking for print permission and need it quickly, then contact me on my main account gorjuss

Okay here are the rules.. by taking and/or using ANY of the pictures found in the gallery/scrap then you are ASSUMED to have read this.. so you are as well taking two seconds and reading it !

:star:You can use anything in my gallery for a DEVIATION - you dont have to ask me first.
:star:You can NOT use it for a picture to be used elsewhere ( i.e non DA), stationary, websites, websets,
avatars, (even DA ID's.. its just not the done thing.. so behave yourself !) without express permission from em BEFORE you do it !
:star:You can not display these pictures on your own webpage for any reason, including livejournals etc ! Leave a link to here instead!

:star:If you use a picture - NOTE ME, with a link
                                       ADD A LINK in your deviation description ( :devgorjuss-stock : or :icongorjuss-stock : with no spaces at the end!)
                                       I :+fav: most pieces, and always try to leave a comment !

Do not use the images for anything hateful, pornographic or peodophilia related !!!
I dont mind macabre/horror, and im all for artistic expression and pretty open minded !!!

prints permission
:star: Prints permission is RARELY given for any models that appear, as most of them are children!
:star: Prints permission is USUALLY given on all other photographs, as long as you have USED It and not just changed the colour balance etc !
:star: If you require prints permission just NOTE me and tell me the info devprints require emailed to them ( dev number, title, your name etc)

:star: If you leave a comment criticising the photos its just a waste of your time and mine, these photos are shared because i CANT/WONT use them, maybe someone will find parts of them etc they CAN use.. all photos are as BIG as poss.. usually they have faults somewhere.. im aware of that !

:star: I have an art account at gorjuss , none of the pictures there may be used without express permission!!

:star: Brushes can be used on any deviation you want, but may not be offered for download on any other site, you may not package them or convert them for use with another program without express permission first - just note me and ask ! If you want to share them, send a link.

If you use them, credit me in your deviation description!
If you offer a print with them in it, then you DONT need permission from me! I give FULL permission for any brushes to be used on prints !

Letting me know you have used them is always nice - it's great to see them, and I usually :+fav: & comment !

Currently I make PSP8 & Photoshop CS compatible brushes... please think carefully when you leave a comment, I always clearly state what version they are made in, if you want to convert them for use in an older verions note me, dont complain!

Most of all ENJOY what I share here !

:star:      Drop by and visit my main account too - :icongorjuss:    :star:   

I'm listed at: :iconbrushes: :iconpaintshoppro: :icondeviant-stock: :iconstockdigest:
:iconstockcity:  :iconprintable-stock:  :iconstock-library:  :iconda-stock:  :icondaa-stock:

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terms of use

© 2005 - 2024 gorjuss-stock
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