goRillA-iNK's avatar


Pencil + Paper= Happiness

Untitled by goRillA-iNK, literature

Specks by goRillA-iNK, literature

The King of Fools by goRillA-iNK, literature

Impractical Productivity by goRillA-iNK, literature

A Hopeless Romantic (Also, hate writing titles.) by goRillA-iNK, literature

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Untitled by goRillA-iNK, literature

Specks by goRillA-iNK, literature

The King of Fools by goRillA-iNK, literature

Impractical Productivity by goRillA-iNK, literature

A Hopeless Romantic (Also, hate writing titles.) by goRillA-iNK, literature

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Favorites Feature by jeanbeanxo, journal

Favorites Feature by jeanbeanxo, journal

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Varied
Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1304)
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Trick-or-Treat: Someone thought you deserved a treat! (1)
My Bio

I'm......INFECTIOUS!!! (or maybe I'm infected...hmmm, I know the Doc said it was one of these.)

Please click the link to see other portraits of me, if you dare. >>>gorilla-ink.deviantart.com/gal...
Current Residence: The space between space.
deviantWEAR sizing preference: small and medium (so my arms look bigger than they really are). XD
Print preference: U.B.A.S.S. = Ultra-Big-Ass-Super-Size
Favourite genre of music: All Genres (I'm in love with them all)
Favourite photographer: Ansel Adams, and whoever is the hottest photographer for Playboy Magazine.
Favourite style of art: EVERYTHING!!!...and I do mean everything. XD
Operating System: Area-51™ ALX Desktop ***I WISH***
MP3 player of choice: iPod Classic
Shell of choice: SKIN
Wallpaper of choice: Something scary, sexy, or just plain ridicules.
Skin of choice: A shell
Favorite cartoon characters: Bugs Bunny & Gir from Invader Zim, Adventure Time- Finn and Jake, Snoopy, Brian, and Stewie, and Rodger from American Dad (cause he's such a freak).
Personal Quote: Stop waking up on the wrong side of the bed,
there's a wall there stupid. XD

Favourite Visual Artist
Frank Frazetta, Brom, Alan Lee, and many others.
Favourite Movies
The Shinning (Original), The Lord of the Rings, The Matrix and many more.
Favourite TV Shows
Family Guy, Amarican Dad, Doctor Who, and American Ninja Warrior
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Pink Floyd and The Beatles, Classical Music, Jazz, and Blues and many more.
Favourite Books
The Lord of the Rings, The Dark Tower (series), The Sisters Grimm, and The Spiderwick Chronicles
Favourite Writers
Milton, Poe, Lewis Carroll, and Roger Waters
Favourite Games
Black Jack, and Doom
Favourite Gaming Platform
First person shooter
Tools of the Trade
Intuos4, Photoshop CS3, PaintTool SAI, Watercolors, and My Nikon Camera
Other Interests
Sculpting, and REALLY Noisy Toys. :p
I'm going to be a lot less active for awhile. As in, inactive for awhile. ...sadly. I feel as though there is an unyielding and overwhelming pressure on me to do more than I have done so far. I don't feel like the same artist/person that I once was. I feel as though the fire inside of me is beginning to wane. I'm growing tired of trying to face the people around me. I have friends, very close friends to keep me company and keep my spirits up. ...luckily. :heart:I don't need a pity party, but I thought I should explain to my friends and my fans/watchers that I won't be or I most likely won't be creating some of the same stuff that they know...
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People say that they understand you. But that is a lie. It's a lie because they were never really listening to you in the first place. Just like no one ever reads these status things like the one I'm typing now. lol
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If I tried to teach you what I know and without using any explanations, would you call this a tutorial? Or am I only showing you what I know how to do?
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Profile Comments 2K

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Happy early birthday! Bouquet for Kay by KmyGraphic 
Hello Tim! I love your macro pics. :love: I have a question tho. I've noticed that nearly all macro shots (by nearly everyone I've had the pleasure to view) are small pics.  There's no larger/fullsize view of them. I have a widescreen monitor (and don't expect the pics I gather for my desktops to be so large) and none will enlarge enough and still be clear on my desktop.  Is there a difficulty with enlarging macro shots?  Or perhaps some problem uploading them on dA?  I'm just curious. Just keep doing what you do...you do it very well.  :hug:
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! :boing: