Legacy - Slush bioarmorGorger on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gorger/art/Legacy-Slush-bioarmor-587207974Gorger

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Legacy - Slush bioarmor



The Urrid in general are very intolerant of genetic engineering, and the Gulchabrahva's rampant, cheerful employment of said science has famously resulted in the former regarding the latter with open contempt.

In an attempt to win them over, the Gulcha gifted them with what they perceived would cater to the Urrid's tastes; a symbiote piloted from the brain that greatly amplifies the user's combat abilities.

Unfortunately the Urrid reacted with disgust, and even more so after learning the Slush contains Urrid DNA for ease of synchronization and "familiarity"

Nowadays the Slush bioarmor is developed and sold for virtually any race willing to pay for it. Why throw away something that works just fine?
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Tarturus's avatar
Perhaps the attempt to win the urrid over would have worked better if the bioarmour had been made somewhat more aesthetically pleasing to the urrids. But then again, I imagine the Gulchabrahva would have VERY different views on aesthetics than most humanoids, so this could well have been a thing of beauty to them.